Are You Made of Sugar N Spice?
Are You Made of Sugar n Spice?

Roll ‘em up or drink it up! Either way… our Sugar ‘n’ Spice is everything nice.
A primary flower in this blend is hibiscus, which gives it life and a vibrant fuschia
How to make sun tea 🌞
Let 1 tbsp of tea steep in 16oz of water for an hour or two in the solar rays and indulge. Easy as pie.
What else makes Sugar n Spice so nice?
Crushed clove and cardamom give the blend its spice. Mint, chamomile, and mullein add to its nice. The overall effect of the blend will leave you cheerful, as if you were at a festie with your bestie and feeling warm as if it were Christamas in July!
The Blend's Formation and its (Oddly) Poetic Origins
This blend was originally created by our in-house herbalist Sasha and Mikaela’s bio

We hope you enjoy a cheerful chat with your friends over a cup or passing a rollie between you!
Fun facts: the name of this blend came from the old poem as a sort of tongue and cheek joke… because how ridiculous is this nonsensical, gender biased programming?
“What Are Little Boys Made Of?” Lyrics
What are little boys made of?
What are little boys made of?
Snips and snails
And puppy-dogs’ tails,
That’s what little boys are made of.
What are little girls made of?
What are little girls made of?
Sugar and spice
And everything nice,
That’s what little girls are made of.
The Problem with Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice from Black Voice News.
Enjoy Sugar n Spice and learn the meaning of nice.
Nutrition Sources
Hibiscus tea contains flavonoids that reduce the absorption of fats. If you sip on a cup after dinner, your body won't be so quick to cling to the unwanted fats from your hearty meal. As the french would say…. It’s a natural “digestif.”
Your sisters at gb
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