Forest isn't just a beverage, it's a feeling.
Forests are some of the most magical places on earth.
We were inspired to channel their essence and put all the green Goddess goodness into a nutrient rich smoothie booster - nutrient dense and delicious.
It's midday, You’ve got your bananas, your nut milk, your spinach, now how do you elevate your smoothe? We say, drink the power of the forest floor with a vegan, gluten-free, sugar-free masterpiece which combines the forests of sea and land to fill you up with minerals for the mind, proteins for the body and love for the soul.
Drinking Forest provides a stable foundation for your day, solid ground to walk on from the inside out, and health benefits galore.
This blend, like the other Materre botanical powders, is simple to use.
Option 1: Mix 1 tablespoon in with 16 oz of water, shake or stir well, and enjoy

Option 2: Blend fruit, alternative milk or juice together with 1 tbsp of Forest powder and ice.
Option 3: The famous forest matcha latte: add 1 tbsp of matcha powder and 1 tbsp of Forest powder to 4oz of hot water, stir or shake well and top with 4 oz plant milk (warm or cool), indulge.
If you ever get that woozy, low-iron, fainting feeling - like I’m gonna hit the ground - this blend is for you! If you are anemic, bleeding or need more red blood cells - this blend is great for you, too.
Your body needs nutrients, wants to feel grounded. Consciously anchor yourself and tap into the resiliency of forest. Feel the fresh clean air in your lungs. Feel your feet on the earth. Drink in the nurturing of a mountain stream. With this blend, every part of you is being nourished!
Every ingredient in this blend is a superfood abundant with antioxidants removing free radicals, anti-inflammatory properties combating inflammation and disease, and vitamins and minerals vital to our health and wellbeing.
Forest partners two of the most nutritious foods on the planet. Gram for gram, calorie for calorie, nobody does it better than Spirulina & Chlorella!
The quality of the protein in these blue-green algaes are considered excellent — comparable to eggs.
They give all the essential amino acids that you need. They are 50-60% protein and high in B Vitamins, copper, and iron. A single tablespoon of these magical microbes which grow in both fresh and salt water contain 4 grams of protein, omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids and a boat load of the B vitamins.
Spirulina can lower total cholesterol, “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, while raising “good” HDL cholesterol. It helps people with allergic rhinitis, dramatically reducing symptoms like nasal discharge, sneezing, nasal congestion and itching. Spirulina can improve muscle strength and endurance.
Chlorella is a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids. It’s a great source of iron and vitamin C, which helps you absorb iron. Because it contains calcium and B-vitamins, it may help to reduce and relieve PMS. It eases digestion and reduces bloating. It binds to heavy metals, aiding detox. Chlorella supplements have even been shown to improve markers of liver health in people with liver disease and promote eye-health.
Nettle, another special ingredient in this blend is purported to trea Muscle and joint pain, Eczema, Arthritis, Anemia, Urinary tract infections, Inflammation, High Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar
Overall, Forest will truly give you Mother Nature’s magical Medicine. Start your day off with nutrients, nurturing, and nature! Click here to view Materre Forest botanical supplement powder.
Love always,
Your sisters at Goddess Breath
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